Jennifer Schomburg Kanke is a writer and editor living in Florida.

She is the author of The Swellest Wife Anyone Ever Had. It is available directly from Kelsay at or order from Amazon at

She is the author of the chapbook of micropoems Fine, Considering (Rinky Dink Press, 2019) about her experiences undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer; the winner of the Science Fiction Poetry Association’s annual contest in 2013 for the under 10 line category; and has been nominated for both the Pushcart and the Best of the Net. Her work has appeared in Massachusetts Review, Salamander, New Ohio Review, Prairie Schooner, Pleiades, Nimrod, and other journals. She currently serves as a reader for the Dodge and was previously Reviews Editor at Pleiades, Poetry Editor for the Southeast Review, an editor at Quarter After Eight and a reader for Emrys. She has a PhD from Florida State University and multiple degrees (MA, MEd, and BSEd) from Ohio University.

Her current writing projects include a novel-in-verse about Appalachian Ohio from the 1930s to the early 2000s and a fictional memoir written by en-rhythming to William Wordsworth’s “The Prelude.” Her writing often covers topics related to socioeconomic class, C-PTSD, Appalachia, and the environment. She blogs sporadically (typically about new NSA cookie recipes she’s developing) at She posts regularly on YouTube at and provides writing prompts at

If you’d like to contact her about her writing, you can email her at meterandmayhem [at] gmail [dot] com.

If you’d like to read some of her recent work, check out the samples below:


“The 125th Commandment” in Aquifer: The Florida Review Online

“Things People Do” in SoFloPoJo

Shelter in Place” in the on-line edition of New South


“Confluence” in The Dodge

“The Girls We Were Before This” (a feminist metrical copying of William Wordsworth’s The World Is Too Much With Us”) in Wine Cellar Press

“The Shape of the Body, 1979” in Sweet Lit

“Church of the Unnamed Subdivision” in the Rappahannock Review


“On Bridges, Beaches, and Britney Spears” in Connotation Press: An On-line Artifact